Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Anatomical Drawings

From still life from this past semester. Graphite on paper. The paper is 22x30in.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

SHAZAM! business card.

New business card design! I had some free time the other night and felt inspired. It's not going to be my official card or anything, I was just feeling silly and came up with the design.

recent digital illustration

I got bored, and annoyed with work. For reference, I'm a fifth-year lifeguard and a fourth-year Pool Manager. I get easily annoyed with work...and this is the result.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

some cool shoes

I made these for my oldest sister. Just an old pair of knock-off Keds shoes from Wal-mart. Then I decorated with fabric paints and topped it all off with a sealant so that they're water-proof.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Sketchbook Pages

Selections from different sketchbooks I've had over the past year or so.

digital art.

Ok, cut me some slack here, alright? This past semester was my first time dealing with photoshop and illustrator. I had a software class and my teacher was amazing and somehow managed to teach ME (of all people) that magic that is digital art software. I'm nowhere near an expert at this sort of thing but at least I know my way around, right? So here's a few projects I worked on throughout that semester.

This was by far one of my favorite projects. We had to pick one character and develop their expressions on this template. Done in illustrator. This is a character that I use to represent myself. I created it for this project and fell in love with her. Now I use her all the time. Here's a link to a larger version of this:

I had to create an animation in Photoshop. So..i made this little monster and his bug-friend. They were both created in Illustrator. As it turns out, I'm awful at animating, so this was just a preview image. here's a link to the final animation:

Done in Illustrator. This is Lil' Wayne at his finest. We had to pick a celebrity or well-known person and create an image of them using only the letters assigned to us in 3 (or less) fonts. I had MTSOEZC.

Ok..Don't laugh, this was just me messing around. I had to create a comic book cover (which turned out horribly) and this was one of the villains from mine. He's called the Blind Bandit. I liked his character a lot so I just placed him on a different background and was feeling silly and sleep deprived, so I picked the cheesiest font and put in a quote from Dave Chapelle...I thought it seemed appropriate...(done in Illustrator).

illustrations from over the past 2 years

I love the following illustration more than you can imagine. I did it as a present for my friend. It's a tree monster, a giraffe, and a sandwich (symbolizing our trio of friends at the time). 22 x 30, ink on paper.

The following illustration was done as an extra project just to have in my portfolio. I did it at the end of my freshman year. I'm not happy with the composition, I'd like to think i've improved a lot since doing this actually. However I'm still pretty happy with it. 22x30, ink on paper.

detail shot of above illustration.

detail shot of above illustration.

Below is a silly illustration I did at the end of my freshman year. Ink on paper, 8.5 x 11 in. Somebody asked me to draw it forever ago, and I did but couldn't remember who asked me to. So now I just have an incredibly random drawing, but I love it. Giant octopus fighting a zebra while simultaneously being mauled by a bear.

Below is a painting i did my freshman year in art school. We had to take one object, draw it and repeat it and create a composition out of the repetition until you couldn't tell what it was. It's the piece that is on the end of the charger for my mac. 22x30in (black paint and ink on paper)

below is an ink drawing i did of the Richmond Coliseum. Done in about a weekend i believe. It's from my freshman year in art school. 22x30 in.

a few paintings

i did this painting for my mom a while back. it's not anywhere near my best, but i did it in about an hour. acrylic on canvas, it's about 15x20in.
i did this painting for my oldest sister. ink on paper, about 26x32 in i think.

Sunday, June 27, 2010


Works in Graphite

The first is the oldest. Figure drawing from the end of my freshman year in art school. It took about an hour or two.

The second is one of my first projects from my the beginning of my Sophomore year. We had to tell a story through a graphite drawing of hands. These are my mother's hands preparing and cutting tomatoes. I guess it's just telling the story of her providing nourishment for the family. However in reality I really just wanted practice drawing hands. I think her hands are really dramatic and awesome looking because of her nails and her long fingers. I did this in about a weekend. We had to do it in class unfortunately so it's done from a photo.

The third drawing was from my first semester of my sophomore year as well. We had to choose a reflective surface and draw our distorted reflection in it. I chose my bathroom sink because it has a ton of curves that I thought would be really interested to practice with. I HATE drawing reflective surfaces, but this (in a way) helped me out a lot in overcoming my fear of them. If you look closely there's four reflections of me that show up in the drawing. This one only took about a day and a half, but I would've liked to have more time to work on the surroundings. Done from observation.


This was a little project from my freshman year in art school. SPOON DRESS. It also has forks. 600 spoons and 600 forks total. That's 1200 utensils! Plus recycled fabric and recycled trashbags as well. Completed in about a week. Enjoy!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Well Hi There

My name is Emma Witte. I'm 19 and I'm an art student at Virginia Commonwealth University.

I'm majoring in Communication Arts (Illustration) with a double major in Spanish (Certificate of Translation). I design logos, silly sketches and drawings, and a few paintings here and there. If you have any questions feel free to email me: